Saturday, July 21, 2012

Random at Doran

It's been a tough week for our family. There are some major shifts on our horizons. In a suddenly open afternoon, I decided that rather than worry over things that *might* happen, I should take a time out and go with the kids, living in the *now*.

So I packed snack and beach bags, asked the kids to get their towels, and we piled into the van and took off for Doran Beach, to use our Regional Parks Pass. The weather was mostly grey, overcast, and windy, but that was not important.  There were vast stretches of sand to run on, throw back at the sea, and dig in.

I just liked messing with this photo.

I stretched out on my beach towel and dug into my book, "Three Times Lucky," and watched the kids stalk sea gulls, listened to their yells and squeals, and smelled the tangy sea air as it tousled my hair.

So quiet and uneventful. So hands-on and unplugged. We stayed for hours. The drive out and back along the country roads was both beautiful and soothing. No answers were found, but there was a space of peace, contentedness, and enjoyment.
A little slice of Doran Beach.
It's the little things ...

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