This project was actually last Tuesday. I was in a tizzy to clean the entire house before a long-cherished play date took place in our home on Thursday afternoon. Of course, the play date was for my daughter, but I had to start somewhere. Next to my home office, James' room was closest to being declared a natural disaster area. His room is also smallest, so I figured it would give my spirits a boost to have something finished and looking good.
Well, my perfectionist tendencies kicked in, and a room reorganization grew out of cleaning. It was not a bad thing, as we'd been recognizing and encouraging anything smacking of Big Boy lately for James (underpants, BMs in the toilet, chores, talking with a better vocabulary, etc).

The results were fantastic. I got ride of a large bag of trash and outdated art projects (man, I do hate to see those go). Two more bags of outgrown clothing left the room (this always makes me choke up and become morose). I cleared the floor. I cleared out and vacuumed under his bed. I washed the bedding. I moved furniture and kept out the things that we use everyday.
The biggest change was his bookcase. It still was partially wrapped from the move to this house *cough* six years ago and full of books & odds & ends. James liked to raid it and rip things up when frustrated, which had been happening a lot lately. So I moved it out into the room more and stocked it largely with his toys (like at preschools).

Because I'd cleared his floor, I'd been able to corral all the clothing that needed washing, sorting, or donation. I cleared out the little wire basket drawers that had flotsam and jetsam of almost a decade jammed into them and dedicated them to underwear (newly chosen and purchased with James' input), socks, jammies, and sweats. The changing table lost most of the baby items and took on fewer things (pants, mostly) in a much more manageable manner.
Because there was now a place for everything and a clean floor, I could move a dresser and the big rocker to make more room for playing and sitting. The roadmap rug became really visible and exciting. Because I'd cleaned out all around the bed, I could put all his favourite friends on the bed shelf. OMG, he started asking for all them and snuggling down with them at bedtime after this!
We all can get around much easier in his room -- James especially. He seems very proud to have a more Big Boy room and enjoys being and playing in it now. He can look out the window more easily and we all take more pride in putting things away One week later and the room is still looking good!
What did it look like before? Ummmmmmm, kind of like his sister's room:
Only worse, because you could not see the rug in his room due to ripped up paper and things tossed about. They were piled all over. Not any more!
(PS: Yes, the house got cleaned and his sister's room was bright and clean and ready for the play date. I came down with a cold an hour after everyone went home)
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