My mind immediately leaps to umbrella, as we've had a lot of rain recently.
The Letter "U" is also appropriate in many other ways lately. "U" is for understand, useful, underwear, unfair, untie, utter, up, and urge. James has been practicing a lot of those "U" verbs. He is Action Guy Galore.
I am so happy that utter is increasing and he has the urge to don underwear. Of course, there have been more instances of untying things, attempts at getting up high into things that will cause mischief, and sibling claims of "unfair!"
Best of all, there has been more understanding -- me of James and his increased vocal communication, James of people speaking to him, and hopefully some others of what it means to work and grow with a child on the spectrum.
magic marker mondays:
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I love every bit of it!
Sooooo glad you joined in! What a lovely and creative post! :) Where did you get your alphabet coloring page? Was it a coloring book, or a print out? Love it!
Hope to see more of James' fine work very soon!
~Michelle @ 5MFSN
Michelle, I forgot to ask his teacher -- he gets one each week at his "mainstream" preschool, so it must be from a workbook. I like them because sometimes they get to glue 3-D materials onto the letters.
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