Monday, April 04, 2022

Spring Cleaning, Chores, & Life Skills

Sometimes it's hard to get James and I moving on Saturday. On top of weekend inertia, several years worth of a full work week and single parenting my guy means I am exhausted by the time I hit Friday afternoon. Mornings with no demanding schedule are so peaceful and seductive. Sometimes I rouse my reading or leisure activity to realize it's already noon. 

This past weekend, with help from my SIL and friends, I was able to kick it up a notch or two. With their help, I was able to cheer my teen through showering and hair washing (hair washing!!!) before we hit the front yard and started to remove the jungle of weeds from the front, in preparation to installing a fence.

In between, a dangling ceiling light was fixed and discussions were had about dental treatments and the importance of taking care of yourself. James' Saturday reward was a milkshake and a drive through Deer Hill South (saw 4 deer, grazing on an abandoned front yard).

Today we tackle his room, removing food and dishes (teens!), trash, and fixing his bed. A bag of trash will be removed. It's also shower day again. Today's reward will be a drive through the Spring countryside. 

In between I will motivate myself through dishes, laundry, floor sweeping, sorting old clothes for donation, and more yard work. 

There may be a trip to the Farmers' Market (first day of 2022!) or a plant nursery, for chores completed later this week.


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