Tuesday, April 05, 2022

When Life Gives You Troubles ... Haiku

Loving and raising someone with autism means it affects you too. The isolation, intense parenting, truly soul-trying episodes you don't tell anyone else about ... there are many ways to deal with it. As I worked through my emotional storms, family fails, and life storms, I found that humour and creativity are great partners. 

Haiku screenshot about autism parenting

Life can be ridiculous, as well as beautiful and heartbreaking, and normal is a setting on the washing machine. 

Putting the events of the day into words, in a semi-playful way help me separate from the overwhelming emotions. Back in the early days, when autism was making our acquaintance, I turned to online communities to compensate from the overall isolation and the Burbs' inability to socialize outside the box. Where I found other moms who had intensely real/surreal parenting experiences who were willing to share their poetic, coping efforts and support. 

Being creative is extremely therapeutic, as is listening to others vent with humor as a leavener. 

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