Thursday, May 24, 2012

Special Exposure Weds: Patriotic Pics

So I've told you a bit about the wind-up for Patriotic Day. Every year our local K-1 school puts on an assembly in honour of Memorial Day and those who serve and have served our country. If there is a US veteran in the family, students are encouraged to invite them to be VIPs at the assembly. The entire school salutes and thanks them for their service. I am not wildly patriotic, but every year my heart is warmed and I share my gratitude with the rest of the school.

Here are some pictures from the actual assembly:
The event was in full swing as I walked onto the playground.
Looks like we pretty much all got the memo to show up in red, white, and blue!

I arrived just in time to see and hear James' class perform.
My guy sang his heart out, jumping up and down as he belted out
"Fifty Nifty United States from 13 original co-lo-nies!"

James is pretty chuffed about all this.

After some songs, veterans and their school-aged relatives were recognized.
Then there was a lull before the big finale. Check out James being social!

Waiting for the finale, my gorgeous guy!
I took a video of the finale. It moved many of us moms to tears. James was actually crying by the end of it. He had to come find me and schnuggle with me on my lap for about 10 minutes before he was okay with picking up again and going on with his day. The song? You Raise Me Up.

Oh my heart.

So ends the last assembly for us at our little neighbourhood school.

For more images from the heart and to share some of yours,
visit Special Exposure Wednesday at 5 Minutes for Special Needs.
5 Minutes for Special Needs

               and ... Wordless Wednesday

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