Monday, January 14, 2013

Magic Marker Monday: The $1 Family Calendar

I used to love buying calendars. For years I'd enjoy my 12 months of Kliban Cats, Impressionists, and romantic illustrations. I think it's safe to say I was a sucker for a good calendar.

Then I my job and life took off in many directions and I started buying the giant kitchen wall calendars.
I added a calendar white board when I started working from a home office.

Now that I need to focus on family and keep a tight grip on household expenses, I have discovered the joys of the $1 Family Calendar!

I buy a $1 pad of paper from the Dollar Store, round up all the stray markers, crayons, and pencils from the kids, and spend an hour or two on the kitchen floor, inking in months, days, and numbers. I used to need a ruler, but now I just trace over old moths and go for it! The kids help by adding their own drawings  and sometimes the days of the week and numbers for the month for a unique family calendar we all can use.

Ooops! Did Mommy mis-abbreviate Thursday?
Kiddo #1 to the rescue!
I get to use the wall mount from the $20 kitchen calendars. Using small binder clips, I attach this year's calendar pad to an old $1 blotter/calendar from Target. Using produce ties and a plastic hook with a sticky back, I am able to hook the calendar onto the wall mount.
January is all fireworky and snowy!
Don't forget your marshmallow on a stick and your s'mores!

$1 Target blotter back, with adhesive hook.

Original $20 wall calendar mount and produce ties.

It may not look suave, but it works and the price is right. Plus, it becomes a family activity, which helps teach the kids about the months, numbers, and seasons. Oh yes, and it helps me keep track of our lives, when I remember to look.

For more great masterpieces or to share some of your own, visit
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1 comment:

Child Life said...

My kids would have so much fun with this (they're always doodling silly things on my calendar anyway)!

What a great idea! :D

~Michelle @ 5MFSN