James had a good day at school today, but seemed a bit tired when I got him home. Thank goodness the recent heat wave broke so I didn't have to worry about heat exhaustion with him.
He could not settle down to do much this afternoon, although he tried hard to do so. The swings, trains, Curious George adventures, and trampoline were all good for about 5 minutes or less. After that, he'd wander, lay down on the sofa, or cry if I tried to get him to take a nap in his room.
Once, after an unusual meltdown, I decided he was really tired and put him down in bed, under the covers. After a few minutes of Highly Suspect noises from his room, I opened the door to find him in the process of trashing it.
*sigh* and yes, he put it allllll back, with me to keep him on the job until he'd finished.
By the time I got him down for reals, it was after dinner, he was crying with frustration ... and he was out like a light in less than five minutes.
Dude, I am so glad you have your afternoon daycare at the school tomorrow, because I think that might have made your day better. Sweet dreams, big guy!