The picture below pretty much sums up what he thought about the party:
James also got a turn at using the firehose to knock over a traffic cone. At first I thought he'd say "No!" -- but James did not hesitate and was one of the quickest to knock over a cone. I wish I had a picture of that to share, but hey, it's in my head. I think it helped that he got to watch everyone else having so much fun first:
After all that excitement, it was time for birthday cake, or cupcakes. Then the kids ran around in the big meeting room and played Pin the Dalmation on the Firetruck, which I thought rather clever. The firefighters joined us. Free cupcakes and fun games? What's not to love?
James mingled and took it all in:
James did not participate in the party game, but he did do his share of spinning:
It looked like so much fun that several kids took a turn after he was done. I was proud of both kids, because last year they would not have joined in the fun as much as they did here. The fire house would have made them shy and the party goers were an easy 18 months older than James' older sister.
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Gosh he is so sweet, I absolutely love that little grin of his.
Kudos to James on the creation of his own game...spinning the chair around and around. I'll admit I still love to do that.
Looks like it was so fun, and i especially love how you said you took a mental picture, isn't that what our life should be about reflecting back on our storage of wonderful moments in mental pictures. Oh the memories!
Looks like he had a blast!
Especially love that first profile shot... beautiful kid.
Seriously could this be any more gorgeous and sweet
Also what an expressive face
It looks like he had a fantastic day! I'm glad he could join in the fun! =)
looks like he had a fabulous day! :D
first time to meet him...LOVE his smile :)
What a great place for a party! He looks like he was having a fantastic time! Love his expressions!
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