Honey, I remember when you could not hold something like a dandelion stem in your fingers. You could not lick a lollypop or blow bubbles, let alone talk and say "Look, Mommy -- I doing it!"
Right on, James. I hope you get your wishes. I am seeing some of mine come true in you, and I am so proud.
For more images from the heart and to share some of yours,
visit Special Exposure Wednesday at 5 Minutes for Special Needs.
and ... Wordless Wednesday
Seeing this brought tears to my eyes--high five James! That's awesome!
Aw! I love it when our kids do something as small as blowing on a dandelion. Something that so many other people don't think about or just take for granted but we stop and realize it is a big moment that took work to get there!
High Five from me too! Love seeing those accomplishments of things that were hard for them to do before!
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