Well, another busy, crazy week. Both kids enjoyed grabbing my camera and taking a few pics. Here's our Weekly Roundup, Straight Out Of Camera:
More early mornings at Bad Ass Coffee. Photo by James. |
Love this serendipitous self portrait! |
After school, we hit the library, where Big Sister got to read to a dog. Very well too, I might add.
She also got him to do a trick for a doggie treat. |
Speaking of Big Sister, she made me some dynamite lemonade with honey and garden lavender.
She got a little creative with the rinds. Meet Lemon Man! |
I cracked up with I saw this - I am sure she made t
he obligatory screaming noises when she took this photo. |
Mustard in the vineyards, shot during our visit to the Chocolate Hill Road. |
Back to the tropical fish store, to get the tank water tested.
Proof the store employees have a sense of humour.
Now it this Nemo and Dory, or Marlin and Dory? |
"Who you callin' Nemo? Do you see any lucky fins here?!" |
Cute little puffer fish. |
Sunset on the way home last night. Love the Round Barn. |
Nice to be a part of the
SOOC hoe-down at
Marvelous Mommy's blog.
Come on over to see more or join in!
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