Sunday, December 18, 2011

SOOC Saturday: The Riled One

Our family accomplished a lot on Saturday. There was a birthday party, Santa landing in a helicopter at the airport for a meet and greet, a trip to the huge Salvation Army Center and one final surprise later that evening.

For James, with immense reserves of pent-up energy and some frustration of being completely thrown off schedule for over a week, he loved the row of stationary bikes at the Salvation Army yard:

It was really hard to get him off these machines. Especially after he found they had dial timers. OMG, why did we buy him a bike last year? This is what he needed.

After dinner that night, we took a walk in our neighbourhood to look at all the decorations. I'd heard a rumour that Santa might be making a visit, so we set out for what has become known as Helicopter Santa's House:
Two Saturdays ago, during a full moon.
Sure enough, he was there! James was overjoyed. He gave Santa the biggest hug and when Santa asked him what he wanted, James said "A space station!"

Once again, it's not Saturday but it's still the weekend!
There's still time to check out the SOOC action at Marvelous Mommy's blog.
Come on over to see more or join in!

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