Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Back To Work, Day 2

I know its early days, but things seem to be going well, both on the home front and at the new job. I miss the kids, but am so relieved to be earning some money and working with skills that I enjoy using. The coworkers are good people and the close-to-home location is a big plus too. It looks like I'll be able to attend back-to-school day with James and pick him up from summer camp next week.

After several years of trying other peoples' day cares, it is very nice to have found someone to watch the kids in our own home. We have a yard and a park nearby (to say nothing of tons of toys) so we are certainly equipped. I think this will also keep anxiety levels way down for James and his sister.

I must confess, it is also nice being able to concentrate on something for longer than 2 minutes without having to intervene in a fight or to correct some bad habits.

And when I come home, the kids are excited to share things with me - like the fact that the cat takes naps in the garage during the day and the low-down on all the names of the Angry Birds Star Wars characters. Bed time routines are extra sweet.

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