Our trip last week to Disneyland and DCA was full of Our Favourites and Some New Things. Most things we tried were successes. One of the biggest was James being able to do things on his own: using the boys' bathroom, driving a car, riding in a row all by himself, and really participating in the Toy Story Mania ride:
James adored the Autopia. |
James told Roz he loved her. Roz replied "Whatever ...." |
James insisted on taking the sombrero on Alice .. then shook his head and lost the hat on the track just before we could get off. Luckily, another Guest picked it up for us. |
This year, James didn't mind the backwards and swinging motion so much. He loved shooting his cannon, but as soon as we got hit with puffs o fair and things flew out at us, he dropped the cord and ducked for cover. We did this ride 4 times, though! |
For more images from the heart and to share some of yours,
Special Exposure Wednesday at
5 Minutes for Special Needs.
and ...
Wordless Wednesday
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