I love this new face. James has a secret. Or two or three.
He's using words in sentences and phrases. His Nana is starting to be able to understand him when she's driving and he's in the back seat. He's using the bathroom all by himself at school sometimes.
Today we sat through an entire Irish Dance show and he loved every minute of the music and dance. He talked to me and asked questions in a very nice indoor voice during the performance.
This week, he could be heard counting to 20 (with an assist at 13 and 15) so he could play hide and go seek with his big sister and older cousins in their home. He did a good job, too!
He sings himself to sleep at night and is reading books to himself. He has taught himself to write the first three letters of his name. I know because I saw him writing on the carpet with his finger. He is starting to use his left hand and foot more than his right.
I tell his teacher this and we celebrate.
Sometimes it is the teacher or SHAPE assistant who tells me "Did you know that James can play catch with another boy?" or "I asked James what he thought of something ... and he *told* me!" And we celebrate.
The Slurping Life celebrates the classics. Visit Melody and check out SOOC Saturday/Sunday entries past & present. No cropping or fixing -- it's life, straight out of the camera.
What a fantastic post ~ so many achievements to celebrate :D One special little smile :D
Hooray. So many great things!
Way to go James.
So happy to hear about his new achievements.
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