I think she got a nice one. It's interesting to see how he looks at and holds still for her. I think she got a different response from him than I would have. She is his hero and he watches her closely, trying to do the things that she does. Even though James is seated, I get a sense that he is on tiptoes, trying to reach high enough for her approval.
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and ... Wordless Wednesday
1 comment:
Yeah, I totally see the "on tiptoes" too!
Just had a neighbor tell me very nicely that we should have a sibling for Jack because he saw some Lifetime movies and people (with disabilities) always do better with siblings. He really was very nice and meant it very nicely but I can't help but laugh at how outrageous a comment it was to say. He's a genuinely friendly guy and I don't think he realized how that sounded. And he is from a different culture so maybe in his culture that would have been a regular thing to say...
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