James loves finger painting. My trouble is that he likes to paint his face and shirts as much as the paper, so I like to keep an eye on him. I let him swirl first the purple, then the red colours with his fingers.
I could not resist having him make a left hand print in purple and a right one with the red. He is growing so quickly that I want to preserve these fleeting moments of childhood for him.
James has grown a quarter of an inch in two weeks. Yikes! More of him to love.
Visit 5 Minutes for Special Needs for more Magic Marker Monday.
That's a lot of growth!!!
Cool that he likes to fingerpaint! Good use of color!
Quarter of an inch in two weeks is a lot! Just wait until he is a teenager! My husband hopes you are feeding James lots since growing is hungry work (he grew six inches over the summer between grades 9 and 10 - apparently the experience still makes him hungry...)
I love the V. Have you ever tried out the "new" fingerpaints that are clear except on the special paper? We've been thinking about doing that with our much younger child because I don't think we can keep insisting that she only paints naked...
I love the finger painting James shared this week! (I have a soft spot for finger paints and handprints -- LOL!) He did a wonderful job and his painting just looks so happy -- makes me smile! :)
~Michelle @ 5MFSN
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