Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rainy Day Game Plan

Strangely, none of our plans include football this rainy Sunday.

This morning was taken up by Pretending with Wings and learning all about snails, courtesy of Big Sister. She is so awesome in her own right, and James is very lucky to have her as his Big Sister. This morning's session was so awesome that it deserves it's own separate post.

Then late-morning movie on the sofa: The Little Mermaid, by request, followed by lunch out with Dad at Micky D's. Then a solid hour of lolling.

Next up: A couple of hours at the gym's childcare. Both kids enjoy the board games, other kids, hoops, and crafts that are available. We'll finish off our rainy day with a visit to the local topical fish store, to get some tank water tested and (hopefully) purchase and bring home an aquatic snail.

I love it when good plans come together! What are your rain day plans?

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