Saturday, September 14, 2024

Independent Living Skills: The Schedule

 Fall is a good regrouping time for many special needs families - the start of another school year, support services are done with summer and vacation schedules. Goals are one everyone's mind.

List of chores

With ABA legacy, current school Transitional IEP, and new Behavioral Respite teams on board, it's time to surround James with opportunities and support for honing and growing his independent living skills.

Yesterday, the focus was on washing his own dishes. We have a bottle brush and gloves that help him with that. Today it's removing trash from his room and bathroom. I am still doing the heavy lifting for both activities, but we are building James'' skills. The practice, with reinforcement at school and during respite, will help.

ABA had lovely schedules at first. What ends up working best now? a brief list of Chores and Rewards (incentives). 

I am inspired to get us on a whole house chore chart for daily and weekly chores, especially with 2 more cats and storage boxes in the house. Pinterest and Google are most obliging with ingenious designs.  

Chores were verbally assigned and understood in my home, growing up. Both James and I can benefit from a visual organization. 

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