Wednesday, July 20, 2022

House Rules, With ABA


ABA Meme - Data makes it worthy, a la Lion King
Right now, ABA peeps are working with James for House Rules and Community Rules. James and I have been having some extremely rocky days recently and I realized I needed more help and called in his ABA Team. 

It sounds really funny, but we have never needed to officially spell out House Rules before.

I let James know that I asked for help with this, and that he'd be working on House Rules with ABA and me. I did this because James is worried about what people will think about him, and about what they might say about him. His automatic responses are usually "I did't do anything wrong" and "I didn't mean to" and (starting a couple years back) cussing like a sailor (thanks public schools, rant videos,  and lack of social opportunities). By letting him know this was coming, in a calm manner, I hoped for better engagement.

These Rules are the continuation of the "expected vs. unexpected behaviours" that we've been reviewing at school, home, and ABA. It pairs well with the recent work to use Friendly Words at school and in public (to curb swearing and inappropriate scripting). 

Discussing and defining these Rules, if/then scenarios, and rewards for following the Rules also touches on the Zones of Regulation. These Rules also affirm my recent work with James about setting and respecting privacy and boundaries.

In the course of writing this Blog post I came across this great page of resources from Autism Speaks: "Out in the Community". 

Feeling hopeful, and so glad I have some backup for this.

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