Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Magic Marker Monday: Peace Day

Did you know that September 21 is International Peace Day? I did not. James' sister did.

How did she find out? She was bored and looked at her calendar for something to do. This is what she made, as her part of spreading the message of peace:

Her calendar misinformed her, slightly.

She then took the half dozen messages to all the neighbours we know near our house.

So proud of her!

Yes that was Saturday, but today is Magic Marker Monday.
Visit 5 Minutes for Special Needs for more Magic Marker Monday.

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Child Life said...

Aww! What a sweetie! She did a great job with her drawing too. My oldest and her would get on famously! (She recently had a peace-themed birthday and is also fond of pink fluffy skirts...) ;)

~Michelle @ 5MFSN


SoCo mom said...

Sometimes I think it would be great if somehow we could actually travel the interrnet and visit IRL for a spell!