Turns out he wanted to play, and have the stuffed toy parrot talk to the talking one. OMG, it was awesomely cute!
For the first time ever, he made one object talk with one voice and made a different voice for the other. He made one be the mommy and the other the baby, with the baby kissing the mommy on the beak. I died a thousand cute deaths watching this.
Then he practiced his social cues:
-- "How are you?"
-- "I'm fine. How are you?"
And then he made them play with each other. All of it completely new (well, at least for me to see it in action).
His sister woke up, upon hearing the unaccustomed sounds of someone else playing out loud with toys so early in the morning. She could not decide at first whether to be charmed with the toy animal play (in which she also loves to indulge) or pout that James was playing with a toy that her Dad bought just for her. Luckily, she's a good-natured big sister, and they had a lot of giggles, even playing together for a bit.
This is right up there with the first time he called me "Mommy."
The Slurping Life shares many unique moments in life, especially with SOOC Saturday/Sunday. Please visit to see entries past & present. No cropping or fixing -- it's life, straight out of the camera.
James is blowing me away
he is doing soooo well
oh what a wonderful moment you captured and made even more memorable by the sibling interaction that happened later!
Very nice!
Totally melting that you captured those moments in film and memory! I love the siblings playing together, and the way he wanted to play was sweet!
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