Sunday, December 11, 2022

Autism Today

Photo of electric shaver: Remington WETech Face & Body Grooming Kit

Today on Autism, we covered good phone etiquette, emotions management, and hygiene promotion (self shower and shampoo). I found and re-assembled his electric shaver components, which he then used to shave chin hairs and trim long locks that got in his eyes. He did a great job in a good amount of time.  

We cursed the leaf blower that someone tried to use across the street, until sheets of rain discouraged them for the day. On a plus note: James used his head phones each time they tried, after only 1 initial prompt.

I did more paperwork ad emails for the partial conservatorship while monitoring progress in the bathroom. His hair is curly after a shower. I try to not be verklempt.

We discussed:

  • World politics (Russia and North Korea - why are they fighting)
  • Geography (are North Korea and North Carolina the same type of thing (county, state, something else)? 
  • Who is going to work (of our acquaintances)? 
  • Weather check-ins (Is it raining? Will it snow?)
  • Where are our cats?
  • Have I ever been to Spain, Italy, France, Germany, China, Japan, North Korea, or Disneyworld?
  • Why is Sassy meowing so much?
  • What did I used to do in High School (on weekends - hahahaha, that's another lifetime ago!)
  • Going to see Christmas lights
Writing Christmas cards sadly did not happen this weekend. I'll keep trying on that one. He already picked out cards to send during yesterday's visit to Cost Plus (I am not affiliated with this company and am still calling it that, I know it's a World Market!).  
Nutcracker holiday cards that James picked out

Overall, a good day. One more week of school until winter break!

ETA an hour later: Um. I spoke too soon. Someone tried to trim their bangs with the trimmer. Oh my. Well, it will grow out!

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