Should I? Shouldn't I? -- Adults and parents struggle with this quandary. Autism parents, doubly so.
Most recently, whether or not to allow James to return, part-time, to campus.
- While staff may be vaccinated, the students probably are not.
- I am not comfortable allowing him to ride the bus until he has been vaccinated.
- Change in schedule and routine, at a time when he resists both bedtime and morning wake ups.
- Food. What to pack and will he eat? Oh nos.
- Bathroom. Sigh ...
- Get him back on a schedule. It will be hard no matter what. Slowly but surely will help.
- James has already received his first vaccine shot.
- Staff are trained and used to James.
- I can drive him, as the campus is maybe 10 minutes away and I do not have do leave the car.
- It's only 5 hours a day, 2 days a week, with only 1-2 other students in the room.
- We get a break from each other.
Despite receiving notification that there was a COVID-19 positive discovery on campus (the first week back), it was reassuring to be able to talk with the school and learn it was not related to his program. The staff is so positive, I feel confident he is in good hands. Proceeding with caution and hope.
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