Thursday, December 31, 2009

Five 'til Midnight: Playtime

Playtime has become big in James' universe. He has liked to play with things for a while. Now he wants to play more with others. First his sister, then his classmates ... then special people:

James loves to play on our piano. He picked out how to play the scales all by himself and stops at 8 notes. No one taught him that. He loves to sing. The highlight of his summer activities was participating in a Music Together class with Star Tom.

James will latch on to special toys from time to time. His father found Mailbox from Blue's Clues and James took it everywhere for several weeks. In fact, he insisted on using it to hold his treats when he went trick-or-treating for the first time ever this year.

1 comment:

danette said...

How sweet! I love the pictures and the stories that go with them :).

Toys that can double as "containers" are favorites for my guys too :).