If that was not enough, we had to deal with James' IEP and his triannual IEP. That will be a whole post in itself. Suffice to say it was a rude wake-up call and not very fun to hear. And there was so much good stuff in there too!
Lest we dwell in the alleys of downer stuff too long, another big milestone has been achieved: just yesterday, James had a bowel movement while using the toilet -- his first!!! And it was a healthy specimen. He tried again today, but sis not have anything to show for his efforts.
I was starting to worry about James' language skills regressing while he was sick and then down with a very sore throat. Not to worry, he and his sister were talking up a storm all afternoon long as they played together.
Here they are, playing at the local McDnald's. They said they were playing snakes.
Hmmmm. I am wondering if this is where he picked up his bug. James has a bad habit of wiping his nose with his palm & fingers, then licking the palm & rubbing some more. Yuck! I have been trying to break this habit by applying hand cleaner to his hands. I know that stuff tastes nasty.
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