James has gone from eating the Play-Doh to playing at the table with his sister. He will mash it, roll it, and use the cookie cutters. We still have to work on him cleaning up.
Great picture! He looks so focused :). My 4-yr-old eats play-doh too, or at least he did. We haven't taken it out in a while. Maybe it's time to try again :).
You are a brave Mom...I've banished playdough from my house. I have found they do well with molding clay but it remains outside! I also have a recipe for edible playdough made out of peanut butter so I may try making it with the girls this summer. Maybe if they can eat it it won't end up smooshed into every nook and cranny! ;)
Great picture! He looks so focused :). My 4-yr-old eats play-doh too, or at least he did. We haven't taken it out in a while. Maybe it's time to try again :).
what a beautiful child
The whole picture is so cheerful
oh and I love "Hep " from your other post that is what R says too
Boys and their clean-up...do they ever catch-on?
He is adorable, and so many accessories, to go with the Play-Doh...even more fun!
I love play dough. The photo is so colorful, I can practically smell the play dough.
that's a great set up you've got there. my kiddos would love to play play-doh with james !!
You are a brave Mom...I've banished playdough from my house. I have found they do well with molding clay but it remains outside! I also have a recipe for edible playdough made out of peanut butter so I may try making it with the girls this summer. Maybe if they can eat it it won't end up smooshed into every nook and cranny! ;)
Love this image. And I get it. Hey, the clean-up process is a looooong time coming. :) But that's ok.
great picture! Play-doh is pure magic in a kids hands!
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