James was feeling playful this morning. He stole his Daddy's hat off his head and ran away down the hall, laughing his fiendish little laugh. We could hear his bare feet pitter-pattering on the floor and it was like hearing more laughter.
So. Cute.
This year, James made his own Fathers' Day card and picture. Both featured his hand print. On his card, he traced a heart, and I helped him write his letters to say "Happy Fathers Day, love James." His picture used his hand print to create an elephant, and his SHAPE person helped him draw a jungle background.
His latest obsession is watching the Baby Galileo tape. We are getting him to watch it less and less. He is focussed, though. I tried distracting him this morning by prompting him to say "good morning, Mommy." He gave me a roguish Look and came right back with: "good morning ...... Galileo!" Hahahahahahaha!!
Thank yewwwww!
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