His dad got him a trike and he rode it in the house. This is exciting because he's not doing it at school and his teacher has told us it's an important activity for him because it helps him integrate portions of his brain, as will improve his hand-eye coordination.
Both kids helped frost and decorate his cake (he chose vanilla all the way) before we left to set up in one of the two rooms at our local pizza place. It was our first attempt to have a party for James with his friends from school, and we were a little nervous about how it might go with a group of special needs kids without teachers on hand; it ended up being so much fun. Three boys from his class (and one sibling) came. The parents were so happy their kids were being asked to a birthday party and all the adults really liked having other parents to talk and touch base with.
The kids liked playing with James' indoor bowling set. They were not really into Pin the Tail on the Donkey but hey, we tried. I brought a CD player and used the Express Train music from their classroom and that seemed to help the kids relax a bit.
The big hit was the stomping rocket that one of the parents loaned us. That and my husband getting all the boys to play with him using their noisemakers got the party going strong! The rockets are all foam and lightweight plastic, and are powered by stomping on on a little plastic pillow thingie. The parents even gave one to James for his birthday present -- oh yeah, we'll be playing with that in the park. Big grin.
Well before the party's end, the boys were rolling on the floor under the tables, laughing & blowing noisemakers, taking turns running & stomping on the rocket launcher, and asking for second helpings of cake. We had carrot sicks and corn tortilla chips in addition to pizza and everyone seemed to have enough to eat.
On the way home, James seemed lit up, he was so happy. We are so glad we could do this.
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