I am taking a parenting class series. The first night I heard a lot of information that I've already picked up before. But one statement hit home and I've been thinking about it ever since.
Even though not all our kids are verbal or eloquent, they will find ways to communicate with us, trying to tell us what they need.
I think of the running off, grabbing & throwing of things best left alone, the verbal stimming. Then my son will look at me like in the picture above when I try to talk with him. Goes nowhere fast. Very frustrating.
That class really turned on a light for me. Talk to me, James, I will try harder to listen with more than my ears.
For more great images or to share some of your own, Visit Special Exposure Wednesday at 5 Minutes for Special Needs.
and ... Wordless Wednesday
That class sounds really helpful. And by the way your boy is very handsome!!
Love the picture :). And that's a good reminder... thanks for posting this.
So true. I just wrote about when your child can,t communicate...great reminder... Www.specialneedsmom.com
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