Thursday, July 02, 2009

James and the Cat

James was early today because the cat got him up by meowing outside his door. I persuaded James to play quietly in bed for an hour and I got a nice rest while he did that. I tossed the cat outside, after feeding her a bit, so she won't go after the wrens and mockingbirds.

James does not like this cat. I am not sure why. He liked our other cat, who was old and gentle (and not too bright). Maybe he distrusts a smaller animal that can move more quickly than he can?

The cat would love to be friends. She jumps up next to him on the sofa. This freaks out James, however, and he will kick her off the sofa, if I am not there to stop him. I am trying to teach him to pet her softly, but it's uphill work.

What really puzzles me is that if any of the cat's fur touches him, he yells "OWWW!!" This is one of the softest, fluffiest cats I have ever had, BTW.

And: James loves his Nana's cat. Who is elderly and slow-moving. And a relentless moocher and lap grabber. Hmmmmmm.

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