Thursday, May 13, 2010

Everyday Lunch

Pardon me if I wax verklempt over the next few weeks. This morning James and I toured a kindergarten class that I think he'd do well in next year. It's just hitting me harder that we have only 8 more days of his preschool program with his regular schedule and teacher. Wow. Two and a half years has flown by so much faster than I ever dreamed it could.

To keep me from crying, I am trying to capture the everyday things I've come to take for granted that might disappear before I've realized it. Things like lunches. You are looking at James' average lunch. As he is a v. picky eater, this does not vary much. There is an extra milk and yogurt for his sisters' snack -- her lunch was up next to be packed.

James has taken this lunch bag, ice pack, and other items to school every day for over 2 years. He has gone from not being able to handle a spoon (let alone a squeeze-up tube), wiping large portions of his lunch on his shirt, and jumping up constantly to having nice table manners for a 5 year-old boy. A boy who can handle a yogurt squeeze-up. A boy who smiles over his cat cookies and says "No, thank you" when he is offered something new to eat.

I am trying to keep breathing over here. It's an everyday lunch. Still.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww I remember that feeling! Now Meg's 8 and going into 2nd Grade. The time does go way to quickly. very cute post!