Hello, Fall in California. Hello wildfires, smoky skies and flashbacks to the '17 Tubbs fire and '91 Oakland Hills fire.
School was canceled Friday, due to bad air quality. James' anxiety was up considerably. He keeps asking if our house is on fire and relives our evacuation of last year. Family members in So Cal evacuated over the weekend. There are other challenges coming this week.
What to do, to get us both off our computers and out for some exercise and social time?
Why thank you, Cost Plus!
Their holiday campaign to Find the Golden Bell in their store was a great experience. We poked around the departments with other shoppers on the hunt, muttering the daily clue to ourselves.
James kept asking staff for hints and they patiently told him the one clue they were allowed to give. I wracked up another 3,000 steps on my FitBit - yowza! and did a little pre-holiday shopping.
We did not find the bell on either trip to the store on Saturday, but we met a lot of understanding, generous people who asked questions about James and watched his earnest searches with benevolence and an overall friendliness.
This morning, with a little assistance from some ladies with a lot of heart, guess what James found?
I let him shop and use his $10 gift certificate. He chose a mug and a deer ornament.
I met a lot of lovely people and made some new acquaintances too. To quote The A-Team (remember them, boys and girls?): "I love it when a plan comes together!"