Sunday, April 18, 2010

Postcards From the Walk

That's some big hill! Reminds me of the line from Ghostbusters: "where do these stairs go?" "They go up!" There were 3 of these big suckers (not counting the 2 flights of up & down stairs) and the kids walked all of the first and half of each of the following ones. The double stroller is still doing yeoman's duty!

We had lots of animals keeping us company! Herds of sheep watched us go by, as they rested in or ate the hillsides of grass. Companion dogs on leashes trotted along gamely. We even had this little sweetheart, who was surrounded by many admirers.

Luckily, James was ready to walk. He has not done a straight 2-mile course with hills before... and I was proud of how well he did. The stairs and tunnels at the end definitely helped!

Tunnels? No one said we got to go through tunnels! And these tunnels went right under the main racetrack at Infineon. That made the day for the kids right there, I tell you.

It made my day to see so many people out there walking, and so many people supporting our efforts. Truly, it was uplifting!

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