Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Boy and His Dad

James has started to really play with other kids. They don't have to be his age; he is a social guy who is really starting to interact with others. The sparkling, slightly naughty boy who knows how to use his cute charm is wanting to be part of the playing scene within a group.

How lucky for us that the Wonder League just started up this Spring, and that James' teacher sent an informational flier home in time for us to sign him up.

It's certainly been wonderful for James. My husband reports that he loves his uniform, can hardly wait for his turn at bat, and runs with total joy. The volunteers who work with the kids are not only helping James learn the game, they are mentors for playing with others, socializing, and role models for the teen years.

It's also a special time together for James and his Dad. They've gone to practices together and are creating a lot of special memories. Like the times James gets to announce the next at-bats, talking over the game together in the car, and his Dad watching him from the stands like any other proud Dad.

Then there's the time that James refused to come over for the team picture. His Dad shook his head as he told me that three teenagers could not catch him as he ran laughing across the huge field. Even when they ran him into the dugout, James evaded them. Kind of makes us feel better about all those times he's evaded us!

So if you clicked on the link above for the Wonder League, James is behind the photographer. Somewhere. Running amok and laughing like crazy, loving every second. His Dad is in the stands, torn between yelling at him to come over and grinning at the spirit his son has.

Here's a photo from when we had him in the car:

After I asked him to say cheese:

Thank you , thank you, thank you, Wonder League! Special times, special memories for all our special people. And Happy Fathers' Day to all the Special Dads out there!

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