Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Special Exposure / Wordless Weds: I Have A Dream

I visited James' classroom for 100th Day earlier this month. There was a lot to see but one thing really stood out for me. It was the class bulletin board for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. A picture of Dr King making his famous "I Have a Dream" speech was prominently featured. Surrounding this were decorated and cutout children that the class had made. Each child put their dreams on their cutout.

This was James'

And I thought how appropriate. James has dreams, but not the words. Some children on the Autism spectrum are nonverbal, but I am sure they have dreams. Dr King's speech about acceptance and living together is a moving and inspiring one. I wonder if we'll have a speech like that some day for all those who have the dreams but no words?

I have a dream that some day we'll know what is cause such high rates of Autism in our children, and how we can prevent it from being so devastating to those who have it and those who love and care for them.

For more great images or to share some of your own, visit Special Exposure Wednesday at 5 Minutes for Special Needs.

5 Minutes for Special Needs
and ... Wordless Wednesday

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