Monday, January 17, 2011

Magic Marker Monday: Tattoos

We had some excitement last week. Our gym spent 5 days celebrating 20 years in the business. There were lots of treats and special events. James and his sister spent a little more time than usual in the Kids' Club. All the kids really liked how the staff applied glittery gold, temporary 20th Anniversary tattoos all over themselves.

So James' sister decided she could make up some of her own at home. First, she used her washable Crayola markers to create tattoo designs:

Then, she did some on herself and everyone else in the family who would stay still long enough for application. James was uncharacteristically still for his tattoos:
L-R: blue sunglasses, a car, and a spider.

L-R: a green porpoise, a flower, and Santa Claus (with an interesting grin)

Lots of love on each palm

We had the opportunity to check them out over lunch. I had no idea they'd gotten this enthusiastically carried away. Luckily, they disappeared after swimming in the late afternoon (our weather's been a bit zany):

Visit 5 Minutes for Special Needs for more Magic Marker Monday creations!

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Anonymous said...

Love the details! There must be something about the feel of marker on skin that's why he let his sister do it.

VMI said...

These are all great. Love the hearts in each palm.

Childlife said...

Your kids are so clever! What a fun project -- I think this is one we'll have to give a go. Love the ink, James! ;)

~Michelle @ 5MFSN