Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Magic Marker Monday: Waiting

I met with the Full-Inclusion Coordinator at James' new school, so we could go over James' schedule and related information. Because I know she is new to the position and will be swamped with new faces and back-to-school activities, I made a cheat sheet for James, with contact names and information at the top and bullet points of his ... hmmm, how do I put this? behaviours and tips for good coping strategies. I was lucky to have almost an hour with her.

James came with me. And he took almost 150 photos with my new phone's camera to pass the time. I am really becoming a fan of letting the kids use my camera to see what they notice and focus on.

Just see some examples below:
Visit 5 Minutes for Special Needs for more Magic Marker Monday.

Special Needs Blog Photobucket

1 comment:

Lindy said...

A budding young photographer, I think! Love the photos -- especially the self portraits :)

~Michelle @ 5MFSN