Saturday, September 12, 2009

SOOC Saturday: Handy Man

With apologies to James Taylor:
I'm not the kind to use a pencil or rule
I'm handy with animals, I'm no fool
I play puppet zoo, I know I clearly can

James has always loved the Baby Einstein products. We started with the VHS tapes (I know, so last century). I love them because the music is soothing and no one is talking. Also, 20 minutes is enough time to let me get something done.

James was fascinated by the turning shapes. Then the animals, then the words and noises. His favourites right now are the Baby Mozart, Baby Bach, Baby Gallileo, and Baby Van Goat. Last year, during a rainy week, I loaned some of the VHS tapes to his preschool teacher, for an indoor recess break. She reported that all the kids got excited and started shouting out words, such and the shapes and colours they saw on the screen.

His sister loved Baby Einstein videos too, so we broke down and bought some of the Baby Einstein puppets. So worth the money. It's been some of the funniest, nuttiest return on a dollar ever.

The Slurping Life is running with it! Visit Melody and check out SOOC Saturday/Sunday entries past & present!

SOOC Saturday



Lisa said...

I love this picture, so intent!
I love James Taylor.

Great post!


Floortime Lite Mama said...

what a gorgeous kiddo
R loves the Baby Einstein DVD' still
He was just watching Baby Van gogh

Sande said...

I have heard of these. May have to check them out.

patty said...

we had the baby einstein video, too! love the photo and the lyrics :) fun!
thanks for sharing, and thanks for stopping by my blog! cheers!

robin said...

I've heard good things about them too! I ought to look into them as well! Those puppets are too cute!

Anonymous said...

How Fun! I love those shows. I was fortunate enough to come across all of them on DVD for three dollars each at a garage sale. Something all my kiddos will sit down and watches together when Momma needs a little time & the DVD’s have repeat play!

puna said...

Yes, some things are worth it whateer the cost! Have a wonderful day.


Anonymous said...

He is ready with those puppets, isn't he? Love the capture and the fact he is interacting with the show using the puppets.