Monday, September 14, 2009

A Little Sweetness & Light, and a Wet Cat

I had trouble bringing in the outdoor cat inside last rainy night. First she shot in through the patio door to the family room. Then she saw James and wanted to do a reverse. It was mutual. James is as wary of the cat as she is of him.

I finally got her in the garage, with food, water, and the litter box. All night long she was trying to get back out. I finally secured the cat door with a cookie sheet, basket of laundry, and a chair.

If I don't have her in the garage the first few nights, she meows all night long, and James gets up. Then I get up. And all cranky heck breaks loose.

It reminds me of my Grandma, mock-threatening my brother and I when we were fighting with each other. She'd announce, in a progressively louder voice: "Ah, ah, ahhh! Sweetness and light .. SWEETNESS AND LIGHT!!!!" (with the "OR ELSE" implied).

Yeah, some Monday mornings, I need just a little more of that Sweetness and Light!

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