Sunday, August 23, 2009

SOOC Saturday/Sunday: Kid in a Coffee Shop

Isn't it funny how many coffee shops have gone from bastions of college cool to family hangout? Well, for me & my generation, at least.

I was watching James explore our Sunday Peets hang out. They sell licorice barnyard animals. James likes barnyard animal songs, so we were having fun looking at the animals and making animal sounds. I am sure the barristas loved us.

Anyway, the phrase "kids in a candy shop" popped into my mind, and I thought, heck, "kid in a coffee shop" should be the updated version of that!
James is a fun-lovin' kid in a coffee shop

This is a far cry from the Folgers in a beat-up aluminum coffee pot & toast that my parents used to feast upon Sunday mornings ...
all hail His Muffiness:
All hail His Muffiness!

The Slurping Life knows how to hold on to love. Visit Melody and check out SOOC Saturday/Sunday entries past & present!

SOOC Saturday



Lisa said...

I Love coffee shops and he is gorgeous!!

robin said...

I love the smell of coffee shops (I don't drink it but love the aroma!) Great pics! He looks like he's really enjoying those muffins (which also look heavenly!)

Floortime Lite Mama said...

I adore coffee shops especially local chains
How adorable James looks!
( I am also addicted to Major Dickinson's blend- have you ever tried that ?)

Frogmum said...

'kid in a coffee shop' - like that and I'm sure there are many of those!! Nice captures.

Anonymous said...

His Loving that last shot.

My guys love them some coffee shop time, too.